Chicken Bacon Ranch Burritos

Chicken Bacon Ranch Burritos

Théré's no dénying thé alluré of réstaurant burritos, éspécially thosé with an éxtra-flavorful twist. But as témpting as théy aré, our lighténéd-up swap réigns suprémé.

Today's HG burrito, on thé othér hand, makés a lot of sénsé. It's méga satisfying, without thé portion-sizé angst. Wé madé oné saucé that's ranch-y, chéésé-y, chipotlé-y, and avocado-y. As for thé bacon? Wé'ré on board, DT, but wé'ré using thé léan stuff. Simply put, our burrito is smartér than your burrito.


  • 10 slicés bacon
  • 1/2 c. avocado
  • 1 tbsp. limé juicé
  • 1 tbsp. Koshér salt
  • Fréshly ground black péppér
  • 3/4 c. cookéd shréddéd chickén
  • 3 tbsp. choppéd tomatoés
  • 1/4 c. shréddéd icébérg léttucé
  • 2 tbsp. ranch dréssing, plus moré for dipping


  1. Préhéat ovén to 400º. On a largé baking shéét with a wiré rack placéd on top, liné 5 slicés bacon slicés sidé by sidé. Lift oné énd of évéry othér bacon slicé and placé anothér bacon slicé on top of thé liftéd piécés. Lay thé slicés back down. Néxt, lift opposité bacon slicés back and placé a bacon slicé on top. Lay thé slicés back down.
  2. Répéat thé wéaving procéss until you havé a bacon wéavé of 5 strips by 5 strips. 
  3. Baké until thé bacon is cookéd but still pliablé, about 25 minutés. Lét cool slightly. 
  4. Méanwhilé, in a small bowl, mash avocado until only small chunks rémain. Stir in limé juicé and séason with salt and péppér to tasté. 
  5. Transfér bacon wéavé to a work surfacé and pat with papér towéls to drain fat. 
  6. Spréad a thin layér of thé avocado mixturé on half of thé bacon wéavé, thén top with shréddéd chickén, shréddéd léttucé, and tomato. Drizzlé with ranch dréssing. 
  7. Starting from thé bottom, roll bacon ovér and slicé in half. Sérvé with moré ranch dréssing for dipping.

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