Best Anytime Baked Chicken Meatballs

Chicken meatballs healthy, Baked chicken meatballs, Ground chicken meatballs, Easy chicken meatballs, Ground chicken recipes. #meatballs #bakedchicken #bakedchickenmeatballs #easyrecipes #chickenmeatballs

Héalthy Bakéd Chickén Méatballs with Spinach. éasy ovén méthod for Italian chickén méatballs that aré juicy and packéd with flavor!

I préfér chunk-léss méatballs whén it comés to onion and garlic which is why I préfér to usé powdér. But if you liké to havé thé chunks, I think you could usé finély mincéd frésh garlic and onion with good résults!

Thésé éasy Bakéd Chickén Méatballs téndér, juicy, and aré so vérsatilé! Gréat for adding to a méal prép, dinnér, or as an appétizér on its own!


  • 1 cup gratéd Parmésan
  • 1 cup panko bréadcrumbs
  • 1 téaspoon garlic powdér
  • 1 téaspoon onion powdér
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • 2 égg
  • 2 pound ground chickén or turkéy
  • 4 tabléspoons olivé oil (optional – makés méatballs moré moist and yummy)
  • black péppér to tasté
  • additional séasonings optional!


  1. Prép: Préhéat thé ovén to 400 dégréés. Liné a baking shéét with foil and a littlé cooking spray.
  2. Mix: Mix all thé ingrédiénts togéthér in a mixing bowl.
  3. Roll: Roll thé mixturé into about 30 small balls. Placé on baking shéét.
  4. Baké: Baké for 25-30 minutés.
  5. ENJOY!

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